Courses and Tutorials
Community Content
There’s lots more content out there that can help you learn and build with Astro! Here is some content produced and maintained by the Astro community. All links are external and we don’t guarantee anything here…
Courses and Tutorials
Section titled Courses and TutorialsCourses and tutorials are focused on teaching you new concepts, often with exercises or sample projects to build. These are a great way to learn new concepts and give you the tools you need for working on your own Astro project.
Check out the following courses and tutorials to learn more about Astro.
Recipes and Guides
Section titled Recipes and GuidesSee guided examples of adding features to your Astro project, submitted by our community members!
Recipes are typically short, focused how-to guides that walk a reader through completing a working example of a specific task. Recipes are a great way to add new features or behavior to your Astro project by following step-by-step instructions!
Other guides might explain concepts related to an area of content, such as using images or working with MDX.
Explore community-produced recipes maintained by Astro users:
Editor Tooling
Internationalizaton and Localization
Section titled AuthenticationImages
Section titled ImagesEditor Tooling
Section titled Editor ToolingAnimation
Section titled AnimationMarkdown
Section titled MarkdownUtilities
Section titled UtilitiesPerformance
Section titled PerformanceInternationalization and Localization
Section titled Internationalization and LocalizationAuthentication
Section titled Authentication- Use a dynamic filename when importing images
- Add an RSS feed to Astro using Storyblok’s stories
- How to Send Any Data to Your RSS Feed? A Guide with Astro + RSS
Section titled ImagesEditor Tooling
Section titled Editor ToolingAnimation
Section titled AnimationMarkdown
Section titled Markdown- Build a table of contents from Astro’s Markdown headings
- Create a Remark plugin to remove runts from your Markdown files
- Set Up Draft Pages Effectively in Astro with Config-Driven Content Authoring
Section titled PerformanceUtilities
Section titled Utilities- Using tRPC in Astro
- Integrating Sentry with Astro
- Generate localized sitemaps for your Astro and Storyblok project
- Add searching to your site with Pagefind
- Add searching to your site with Fuse.js